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Grillstone Electronics Technology(HK) Limited
Grillstone Electronics Technology(HK) Limited  

Gold Index: 392

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Company Info

Grillstone Electronics Technology(HK) Limited [China (Mainland)]

Business Type:Manufacturer
City: Guangzhou
Province/State: Guangdong
Country/Region: China (Mainland)

China eas tags manufacturer & supplier

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  • sticker


8.2MHz AM EAS system DR import label, soft label
These labels can protect all the merchandise in a retail setting and are designed for application


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  • security doors

security doors

8.2MHz RF security door, detector, alarm system
correspond to 8.2MHz RF EAS system products, such as hard tags, soft labels, stickers and alarm tags


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  • DR label

DR label


58KHz AM EAS system warterproof DR import label, soft label
The DR label is compatible with detection and deactivation devices


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  • DR import label

DR import label


58KHz AM EAS system DR import label, soft label
The DR label is compatible with detection and deactivation devices and provides the highest label


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  • alarm tag

alarm tag


58KHz AM EAS alarm tag, security tag, hard tag
by used on garment for security


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  • security door

security door


8.2MHz RF security door, detector, alarm system
correspond to 8.2MHz RF EAS system products, such as hard tags, soft labels, stickers and alarm tags


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